Monday, August 28, 2006

Brittany: The Big Yummy

Lohan: Skin Like The Milkyway

Nicole Richie: Walks Like Me

Man, I'm Getting Funnier All The Time

Christina Aguilera: Way Snappy

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Duhliterate Site Passes 6,000 hits!


Whitney and Osama sitting in a tree...

Tom Cruise: Unemployed

Movie Review: Match Point R-4 Strings

a solid showing, finally, from woody allen...though i am tired of his ironic use of 20s era big band. lots to like here, plenty of back-handed narrative, and an earnest effort to avoid the mainstream. long movie, but worth the rent.

at this point id like introduce the newest inductee into my now three person list: scarlett johansson. scarlett, i will extend to you the same offer that i extended to keira knightly and claire danes: feel free to call my pager (im retro that way) at 559-265-9922 or email me at and perhaps we can have some tea.

Movie Review: The Benchwarmers PG13-2 Strings

i really wanted to like this movie. i like them big and lame, but this one had way too much farce, and only a nascent wit. poor john hedder...looks like he's destined to a life of playing napolean dynamite characters.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Movie Review: Capote R-5 Strings

i was ready to really hate on this seemed wickedly pretentious and very 'chardonnay liberal'. i havent seen acting this good in years. i dont know bloody much about truman capote, but i believed every move phillip hoffman made on this one. a blindingly good film for a hollywood production.

Movie Review: Derailed R-3 Strings

ive got to tell you, this is the first movie of anniston's where she didnt play a friends, NOR did she play the socially disaffected loser-hot-chick-loser. i was impressed. though there is some wickedly poor dialogue, there are some decent plot twists. if your wife shows up with this one, go ahead and watch it...otherwise, just wait for it to show up on the 'usa' network.

Movie Review: Live Freaky, Die Freaky UR-3 Strings

a movie so offensive and wrong, i felt like i needed to take a shower after watching it. sure it was feaux-edgy and claymation silly, but it DID get me to google charles manson and look into some of californias more disturbing history (gerald ford--2 assassination attempts), as well as his own depressing biography (his mother, reportedly, traded him for a pitcher of beer). not for the faint of heart.

Friday, August 18, 2006

HW: Per. 6 8/18

1. BRIEFLY do the questions found on page 24 of the textbook

2. get a copy or print "midsummer nights dream".

a copy can be found at the following address:

Monday, August 14, 2006

Mariah Carey Is Totally Cool. Totally

oh yeah, this one is funny. kind of really funny.

Val Kilmer: Working Out

Pearl Jam: San Francisco Night 3

what a day. 12 hours sitting on the sidewalk, getting to know 'the mayor of pearl jam' (alan/cosmo). though i didnt take this pic (i didnt want to get stopped at the door w/ my palm pilot), i was right behind the girl who did take it...seriously. notice the arrow pointing to a something or other in what appears to be (more or less) vedders back pocket--squint, you might see it. it is a 1989 who tour shirt that jen threw to him. 12 hours sitting down, and jen gets to throw a shirt...totally worth it.

Pearl Jam: Los Angeles Night 2

much closer tonight. rodney bingenheimer (rodney on the rock/mayor of sunset strip) introduced the band. tim robbins came out for another song...good for him. interesting story. some guy sits behind us, and jen (and our neighbors) said that it was the boyfriend in the show 'blossom'. i never watched that poo, so i wouldnt know, but 3 different people said it was him. jen didnt get around to asking if it was him or not. good times. rent 'the mayor of sunset strip'.

Pearl Jam: Los Angeles Night 1

Lord i hate this friggin town...i really have a difficult time conjuring up a more Godless place. a real show for posers (of which i may very well be one). lots of pop tunes and radio hits. tim robbins made an appearance for a duet. not a fan of sonic 'youth'.

Pearl Jam: San Diego

outstanding show. of the 4(!) i saw, this one seemed to have the right mix of energy and unique spirit. as with all of my palm pilot shots, i was much closer than this photo makes it seem. really great seats...that and i got to hear 'you are', for the only time during the days i saw them.

Movie Review: Zathura PG-4 Strings

a great adventure that i wouldve loved as a kid. a wonderful movie that got a bit panned, probably because at one point it stops being an adventure and tries to be sappy. a fun kid movie...though be careful showing it to your 5 year old daughter; the zorgons are kind of scary.

Movie Review: Wallace and Grommit: Curse Of The Wererabbit G-3 Strings

im giving this one an extra string because the foot really liked it. i was a bit confused, though i continue to be impressed by the absolute patience of movie makers who love stop-motion animation; a true dying artform.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Paris HIlton: Monkey See, Monkey Do

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dnick Knarter: Not Jay

Spears: Chub Club

Wilmer Valderama: Yo Mamma!

Movie Review: The Matador R-0 Strings

id like to thank: mirimax, first look studios, stratus, equity and the weinstein company for screwing my dvd viewing in the ass. drop the dvd in to your player and treat yourself to FORCED PREVIEWS, and COPYWRITE INFO. the dvd player wont respond to your remote. welcome into the butt of my livingroom big brother...matador "NO STRINGS FOR YOU!!!"

Movie Review: Firewall PG13-2 Strings

a thriller that would have soared in the 90s. i can tell that the writers of this one were in college in the 90s, because they tried hard to think of every last possiblity when writing this one. a cool throwback from the 90s. thrills, kills and a clear ending.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest PG13-5 Strings

come on. this is the classic imperfect big budget film with lots of noise and energy. this film is the reason why people fell in love with films in the first place. a true silver-screen classic. i could use a bit more of the up-heaved keira knightly cleavage, but thats just me. much love. boo-ya-kasha!

Movie Review: Melinda and Melinda PG-1 Strings

a confusing plot of nonsense. woody allen has successfully managed to drag out the "70s insecure man" for 30+ years. for getting a little impatient with it all. woody, perhaps youre a little irrelevant these days. consult your daughter...i mean wife.

Movie Review: Ali G Season 2 R-5 Strings

i havent laughed this hard since jr. high. a little language, but thats all. make fun of everyone and have a great time doing it...yakshemesh!!! nothing is sacred here.

Movie Review: Rock School R-3 Strings

a curiosity. the raw emotions of a foul-mouthed 'teacher' and his misfit students who perform marginally in unique situations. sure, theyre good for being kids, but beyond that, its all a scam. if you like documentaries, throw this one on the list. otherwise, dont bother.

Madonna: Ho

J Lo: Your Toes Are Smarter Than Me

Brad Pitt: A Real Man...No Really


Jews + Hollywood = Mel Gibson