Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Richie: It's All Good

The Pious Baldwin

Axl: Funky Fresh

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Movie Review: Cannibal Holocaust UR-2 Strings

if you value your eternal soul, do not watch this film. its been banned in other countries for reasons that im not going to print here. the main crime of this film (aside from being patently offensive on every single level possible), is that the story is poorly told, poorly acted and poorly executed. i can take two out of three (the re-animator), but all three is an afront to my pseudo-intellect.

Movie Review: Good Night, And Good Luck PG-2 Strings

just like 'syriana' this movie had alot to say, but eventually failed to say it. maybe its the curse of not being from the mccarthy era of anti-communits politics. i get that its supposed to be a parallel comment on contemporary society, i just dont think this delivered to anyone but beltway liberals.

Movie Review: Night Watch R-5 Strings

if youre into russian vampire flix (and who isn't?) put this one on your netflix list. maybe 5 is a bit generous for this film, but its about time the ruskies got involved in the geo-political vampire discussion. anne rice is good, but russian-speaking 'others'? done and done.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Attention Gangbangers, Blue Collar Workers and the Raider Nation

stop annoying the rest of us with your skull and cross bones/rader nation nonsense. two years of lamitude and general suckiness should be enough to quiet you down. besides, if you can't even tell me what literary term is being used when you say 'raider hater', you shouldn't even be using the words.

remember, it's not hating if its true.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Movie Review: Why We Fight PG13-4 Strings

amazing documentary. yes, its left leaning. watch footage of eisenhower warn of the "military industrial complex" that has the potential to drive and create wars. watch as we place sadam hussein in power and then remove him. listen as george washington speaks against the existence of a standing military. heads should roll people, heads should roll.

Movie Review: Nosferatu UR-3 Strings

silent (1922) film surprisingly to the bram stoker's dracula film. sufficiently creepy, and you'd expect no less from germans. kitchy, old-school and very very long. enjoy.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin: Bad Times

when brandon lee (the crow) died from a fake gun wound on a movie set, i pretty much felt the same as i do right now...really bummed. such a positive soul in the universe. our loss. our loss.

Movie Review: The Dudesons R-3 Strings

you know that guy in your group who always takes things a little too far (usually involving firecrackers, gas, or darts)? this is that kind of movie. funny but not comedic...edgy but really but totally boorish. fine if you have netflix, otherwise, pass.

Movie Review: The Ringer PG13-3 Strings

it was clear to me that this movie started out as wickedly offensive (johnny knoxville), but some folks got a hold of it (anti-defamation league) and tamed it into a heart-warming story. clever and silly, and a ton better than kicking and screaming.

Movie Review: Silent Hill R-2 Strings

im impressed with the R rating, rather than selling out and going for the typical PG13. but this film really had no direction. jen wasnt even scared on this one, and she gets frightened watching sesame street. silent hill, silently collecting dust in the corner of the rental store.

Movie Review: Freaks UR-3 Strings

what goes on backstage at a circus? well in 1932, not much. poor acting and poor storytelling, but superior casting...raw and unflinching. stars real circus performers playing themselves...the human skeleton, zippy the pinhead and all your favs. certainly a sideshow, though not much beyong that.

Katie Couric: Funny

Jessica: Apparently Not A Robot

The View: And Then There Were Three-And-A-Half