Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Movie Review: The Notorious Betty Page R-4 Strings

what a delightful film. gretchen mol plays page as a bit of a simpleton, which may or may not be accurate...naive southern girl makes it big in a dodgy industry. well acted and well told, though i wouldve liked more action on the rest of her life. this film focusses on a small segment of it. good renter here.

Monday, October 30, 2006

HW: Per. 1/3 10/30

II, i

HW: Eng 125 10/26

find a copy of 'the swimmer' by john cheever and read it.

pick a edward hopper painting and apply all of the questions that we went over in class to that one painting. 2pp typed.

no class on 10/31

Monday, October 16, 2006

Movie Review: Thank You For Smoking R-4 Strings

outstanding film with plenty of wit and charm. sure it was a bit hyperbolic and feux-complex (the kind of complex that less intelligent people would think is actually complex), but there is lots to enjoy. anything that sticks it to the industry which took a grandparent away from me before i got to know him should be raked over the coals.

Movie Review: Click PG13-3 Strings

i liked this film the first time i saw it when it was called 'the cable guy'. fine film if youve got nothing else to watch...ruined by the fact that for some reason (just like the cable guy) somebody needed to make a mature point in what wouldve otherwise been a pretty funny flick. one extra string for kate beckinsale. goodness. goodness gracious.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Movie Review: Brick R-3 Strings

takes a while for this one to start making sense. i was a little bugged because critics were saying that this movie is THE movie to define today's high school generation. tried to equate it with the youthful maturity of the breakfast club. they said the same thing about the film 'kids'. high school kingpins? bollocks.

Movie Review: Hard Candy R-2 Strings

an obvious retell of the little red ridinghood story. i didnt like how the movie had to establish his deviance, rather than let him be that way. the girl was annoying up until the last 60 seconds of the movie when we discover why she's doing what she's doing. not believable.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Movie Review: I Spit On Your Grave UR-3 Strings

an offensive movie, to be sure. 'day of the woman' (its original title) has a minor plot and minor acting. it is certainly daring given its content and time period. it IS, however, poorly acted. joe bob briggs liked it, and that's good enough for me. odd movies this weekend. sorry y'all.

Movie Review: Triumph Of The Will UR-4 Strings

stunning. a hitler propaganda film. the sheer scale and proportion. stunning. watch with subtitles on and the commentary on. its not as educational and informative as it should be, but it really is unlike anything youve ever seen before.

Movie Review: Birth Of A Nation UR-2 Strings

imagine a (3 HOUR!!!!) silent film depicting the Ku Klux Klan as patriotic nationalists. im not sure which is worse...the blatant racial stereotyping, or the foolish racial hyperbole. let me ask you...what is more offensive: southern racist whites acting in black-face, or african-americans acting in a pro-KKK film?

Movie Review: Zombie UR-0 Strings

i LOVE zombie movies. this was absolutely terrible. not scary, not foolish, and worst of all...not funny. all zombies should have, if nothing else, a strong sense of humor. tried too hard...failed just as hard.