Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Movie Review: School For Scoundrels UR-3 Strings

a couple of really funny moments, but its mostly and average comedy. yahoo for jacinda barett...she's now officially on the watch list. bad santa was funnier, and 'scoundrels' tried to be a marketable version of that one. john hedder, FINALLY, does a movie where he isnt napolean dynamite. a worthy renter.

Movie Review: The Libertine R-1 String

the fact that johnny depp picks roles like this is the reason that i dont look at him as a credible a-list actor. his character wasnt half as corrupt as he'd announced, and his new-found love-a-little-too-late was simply implausible. i like this movie the first time when it was called 'dangerous liaisons'.

Movie Review: Hollywoodland R-4 Strings

interesting story fairly well told. even ben 'the chin' affleck does a yeoman's service to the role. it fails as a 'conspiracy' film and offers no solid resolution to the many questions it asks. i couldve used a bit more into superman's appearances and some the 'on the set' stuff. this film mostly avoids that.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Movie Review: Sherrybaby R-4 Strings

a touching, harsh story. lots to be bummed out on this one, but the story is well told and rather honest. a bit heavy on the adult content, so watch out. a film about someone trying hard to do something right for once in her life, despite surroundings which are entirely against her.

Movie Review: The Grudge: 2 UR-0 Strings

wow was this one bad. silly vocal noises and black eyes. i havent been this disinterested in a film since i first watched jaws 3-d. not frightful, not gross...believe it or not, absolutely no redeeming social value. where or where have my zombie films gone?? not frightful in the least.

Movie Review: Saw III UR-3 Strings

a superior film to saw II, and a meager showing compared to saw I. plenty of backstory that verged on too much backstory. the UR version is heap-big gross, so dont watch too closely. that, of course, is what im here for. btw...i couldve gotten out of 1/2 of those traps, easily.

Movie Review: The Omen: 666 UR-1 Strings

here...ive finally said it: why do a remake of the original??? im not a major 70s horror hound, but i cant understand why an exact copy of the original must be made. the same deaths, the same passive-agressive demonic behavior. honestly, doesnt satan have a therapist at this point?

Friday, February 09, 2007

HW: Per. 1 2/9

king lear, act I

Monday, February 05, 2007

Movie Review: The City Of Lost Children R-2 Strings

lots of folks raved about this one, and it gave me nothing but a wicked headache. obtuse storytelling of multiple and vaguely related stories. visually it's interesting, but i found this one seems to hang all of its hopes on the visual story, and worried less about the narrative one.

Movie Review: The Night Listener R-2 Strings

based on a true story of a kid who may or may not actually exist. this kid has been talked about by oprah and all sorts of feaux sympathizers, but it turns out that no one has actually ever seen the boy in person. fine film, but the plot runs a little too thin.

Movie Review: Rosemary's Baby R-3 Strings

im upping this one a string because of the 1968 fashion and the honest attempt at a psychological thriller. beyond slow by every contemporary standard, though mia farrow does a fine job. the film watches like a tele-play (comment...pause...respond...react), very rote.

Movie Review: The Clash: Westway To The World UR-4 Strings

i know the clash are sellouts, but i dont think the police could do what they did without the clash creating the sound. look at it this way: when the usa was selling out what was left of its soul in the disco-70s, the clash was making punk (more or less). does ok as a documentary.

Movie Review: The Wicker Man PG13-2 Strings

a forgettable remake of a forgettable original. the new 'alternate shocking ending' in this is the exact same as the original, which is more of a letdown than an actual shocking ending. cage does fine work, but there's nothing magical. skip wont miss much.

Movie Review: The Illusionist PG13-5 Strings

superior film by every account. (got burried with 'the prestige') a fantastic story told exceptionally well. each character is rich and well developed. edward norton is an incredible actor who plays the dark magician flawlessly. he's like sean penn without all the baggage and anger.

Movie Review: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning UR-3 Strings

this film is as good or as bad as you'd expect it to be. plenty gross, so dont bring the kids. the movie did do a good job of getting me to pull for the characters. in that sense, this one does much better than nearly all of horror flicks that ive seen of late. imagine that...actually caring for a character in a horror flick.

Movie Review: Miami Vice UR-3 Strings

did a good job of recreating the 'good cop doing major crimes' vibe of the tv show. i got a bit confused at all the names and two-faced criminal stuff, but there is plenty of style and both foxx and farell carry the day. its not a good rental unless youre into this kind of genre.