Friday, May 18, 2007

Grab Your Bible!

hell is officially full...

Rev. Jerry Falwell, a man whom critics called “a tremendous homophobe” and “leader of American’s anti-gay industry,” died Tuesday at age 73.

his death hopefully marks the end of the politically motivated hate-filled christian (9/11 was God's revenge on abortion and tollerance of homosexuals, or, aids was God's punishment for homosexuality). i think he drove more people away from christianity than he saved. it's a sure sign of the apacolypse. those of you who were stalling and on the fence about the whole jesus thing, may want to make a choice quick.

maybe God was punishing falwell for being such a jackass.

Jesus didn't condone homosexuality...yeah, but jerry falwell isn't Jesus.

Movie Review: The Last King Of Scotland R-5 Strings

whitaker deserved every once of the oscar that he won for this performance. im not convinced that this was the best version of the rise and fall of idi amin, but it does yeomans service to the core of the tale. whitaker steals every scene he's in. reminded me a lot of 'hotel rwanda'.

Movie Review: The Office: Series One NR-5 Strings

the reason why this one is actually funnier than the american version is that the british version doesnt treat its audience like everyone whose watching is 8 years old. just a splash of languag and vulgarity, but it's not leering and angry like we do it in america, but silly and pithy. viva la brittania.

Movie Review: A Perfect Fake UR-2 Strings

a documentary about grown-ups, primarily japanese men, who collect life-size silicone dolls. this had so much potential, but fell flat. what was most disturbing about the film was not that people collected these dolls, but that the dolls we made to look young...very young. not really insightful or relavatory.

Movie Review: Shortbus UR-2 Strings

dont rent this. seriously. its better than most john waters films, though thats not saying much. it is artfully done, but it really only deals with the unreal reality of soho-styled living in new york...where everyone is a sexual misfit, malformed by the rest of the country. sigh. who isnt.

Movie Review: Notes On A Scandal R-4 Strings

wicked movie. a kind of gross version of 'fatal attraction'. certainly inappropriate, but because its british, it just doesnt seem as offensive. sure, its depressing, but it is very nice to see judi densch not play a marmish matron. two actresses in high form.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Movie Review: Children of Men R-4 Strings

nice to see an adult sci-fi film for a change. took a LONG time to get to the point, and didnt address even some basic questions (why cant anyone have children?). the violence in the film is explosive and shocking. the storyline is a strong as the chase scenes. cg babies still have a way to go before they look real, though.

Movie Review: The Good Shepherd R-2 Strings

file this one with 'syriana' & 'good night, and good luck'. yet another film with a stellar cast serving up what would tastes alot like dry bread. slow pace and characters i didnt care for. i had a constant feeling of feeling like i was missing something the entire time i watched.

Movie Review: Sleeping Dogs Lie R-2 Strings

started as a bit of comedic farce (a girl and her do the math), and turned south (no pun intended) when it tried to become a drama. the cheap camera work gave it a 'you-tube-goes-hollywood' sort of look. a few funny moments. watch it if someone else rents it.