Friday, August 31, 2007

Movie Review: Zodiac R-5 Strings

page turner from the first many ways more horrifying than your average horror film. fabulous acting and a draining storyline. had no idea there was actually a suspect for those killings. finally a movie of extra talented male actors who are not simply on screen to look good. worthy rental.

Movie Review: Jarhead R-4 Strings

finally the iraq war has its platoon/apocalypse now. cynical and dark. sure this is about the kuwait war, but did you realize that america sent more troops into defend kuwait than were sent to battle the entire country of iraq? i didnt. war is hell...this movie proves it.

Movie Review: Maxed Out UR-3 Strings

if youve never seen a documentary about how corporate america screws the public, this film will be a good starting point. not as 'hard hitting' as similar types of movies of this sort. (the corporation, et al.) it's typically left-leaning, but also holds to task an over-spending, undisciplined buying public.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Movie Review: The Bourne Ultimatum PG13-4 Strings

terrible title, ton of old people in the theater...a ton. i like the movie just fine, but i wouldve liked it more if i could actually follow the action. somebody just hit somebody else with something, and it sounded like it hurt. i couldnt tell where people were running, and who was winning the fight. turrets camera work.

Movie Review: Undead R-4 Strings

remember when you saw 'the cube' and thought, 'this is really great. ive never seen anything like this, but i feel like im missing something'? thats what this one is like. australian zombie movie with an odd twist. an element that is either pure brilliance, or a total failure.

Movie Review: Hot Rod PG13-3 Strings

played like napoleon dynamite, which is all good. a couple of lame moments, but more than a couple of really funny ones as well. never reached the level of brilliant and many of the jokes were sort of staged, but it is a friendly film...and the world could use a little more of that.

Movie Review: Who The F--- Is Jackson Pollock? PG13-3 Strings

crotchety white trash woman finds a possible pollack at a thrift store. some people think it is a pollack, some dont. i dont, but the woman has such a caustic personality, that she may be driving potential buyers away. btw, she's already turned down an offer of 9 million. oh, and she's 75 years old.

Movie Review: Candy R-2 Strings

i liked this movie better the first time i saw it when it was called 'rush.' drug/addict stories are always so bloody depressing, and i think other films have covered this territory before (less than zero, rush). perhaps i was in a poor mood. fine film, i guess, just lacked a kind of soul.

Movie Review: Breach PG13-5 Strings

based on the true story of robert hanssen, the most notorious spy in american history. a real-life thriller, very well acted and wonderfully told. look boys and girls...ryan philipe can act! the title is impossibly boring, but this is a nice grown up movie about the fbi.

Movie Review: An Unreasonable Man NR-5 Strings

a doc about ralph nader, the only politician making sense in america today. i would venture to guess that, long ago, certain women didnt like the idea of voting, or that certain slaves preferred their situations...hearing democrats complain about nader and is effect on elections is disturbing.