Thursday, September 20, 2007

Movie Review: Shooter R-2 Strings

last in a long line of moderate to craptastic films. the first time i saw this movie, it was titled rambo...the second time i saw it, it was called the fugitive--both better flicks. by the end, shooter had turned into a kind of vigilante dog avenger. i should also say that i figured out who the bad guy was @ 23 minutes...look at the flag in the background.

Movie Review: Everyone Stares: The Police PG13-3 Strings

seminole band viewed, more or less, from the inside, and even then, from one person's perspective. really shot past the 'we started a band, then got famous' information. also the piece lacked a sense of self analysis about it's implosion and told a basic narrative. fun if youre a fan, boring if not.

Movie Review: Titus PG-1 Strings

a stylized remake of shakespeare's play. poorly acted and cryptic plot clouded by distracting visuals that no doubt cost more money than i will earn in my life. one string? shakespeare. gag me with a titus.

Movie Review: The Messengers PG13-0 Strings

shite. if you like your films with extra-long set ups before a cat jumps out of a cupboard, this one is for you. i fast forwarded the 'im going to follow that creepy shadow into the dark room', and it STILL took 45 seconds. btw, if you HAVE seen this, nothing says 'home' like a two story shanty built for a family of four trying to grow sunflowers.

Movie Review: Inventing The Abbotts R-2 Strings

dont know how this one crossed my plate. i liked it better the first time i saw it when it was called the virgin suicides...except now it's with an overbearing father and two angry brothers...and liv tyler phoning it in like a half-witted marm. dont bother.

Movie Review: The Host R-3 Strings

was billed as a horror film for grown-ups...alot more like godzilla, complete with goofy acting and voice overs. one string up because it was made in south korea, a country vastly under-represented in the global film industry. (check out me with the master's degree level syntax)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

i havent had this much fun since i learned to ride a bike!! more fun than ive had in years.

Movie Review: Sublime R-1 String

cryptic. horror film? thriller? decent into madness? nightmare? torture? idiocy? commentary about medicine? commentary about gender? commentary about race? well, you find out in the last 30 seconds of the film: none of the above.

Movie Review: Premonition PG13-2 Strings

this movie just pissed me off. an annoying (and constant) switch between past and present in which only the lead character and the audience cant seem to figure out what is going on. even when the curtain is about to be pulled back, letting us in on what the hell is going on, the film ends. classy.

Movie Review: Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer R-2 Strings

what an odd movie. dustin hoffman's accent goes from 'feaux french' to american english to an american jewish dialect...trash. started as a period piece, and ended as a fanstasy movie with strange, unnecessary goals. cant forget to mention the entirely needed but ever-present narrator, explaining what would surely confuse the hell out of the view without it.

Movie Review: Superbad R-5 Strings

hilarious. filthy, but no real nudity, ironically enough. proves your in the 21st century, i suppose. i have an in-law who looks exactly like mclovin. wonder if thats going to factor into his christmas gift. what i really liked about the film is that there wasnt any of the 'hot kids vs. loser kids' deal. even the 'hot chicks' were just pretty. which represent real life a little more accurately.

Movie Review: Disturbia PG13-3 Strings

way too many moments of 'i couldve got out of that', or 'that wouldnt happent'. i will give it credit for being an attempt at an update of 'rear window', form uncle alfred. the film is saved by shaia's acting, though i didnt really buy him in the 'troubled teenager' roll.

Movie Review: Fracture R-3 Strings

bit of a legal thriller disguised as a safe 'hannibal lechter' movie. not a horror film at all, but hopkins acts much in the same way that he did in the hannibal films. my folks would like this one, not so much for the language, but it presents a pretty solid mystery, a la hitchcock.

Movie Review: Number 23 R-3 Strings

a curious fun-filled romp. havent seen jim carrey act this well for some time...his last several movies try to kill his natural impulse to be a likeable guy. more of a thriller than a horror film, so, as usual, this one bombed because of poor promotion.

Movie Review: Hot Fuzz R-5 Strings

terrible title. great music. funny movie by all counts. a slight departure from shaun of the dead, but just about as violent. a little bit too much with the 'shakey camera' idea (all of the bourne films), but the british humor saves the day.