Thursday, February 28, 2008

Movie Review: WalMart: The High Cost Of Low Prices NR-3 Strings

Doc about the destruction of small towns and small town businesses. I'm not going to exactly say the words "yellow journalism," but despite the HEAVY director's voice, the content remains. Huge corporations sticking to anyone and everyone for the bottom line. Dirty, dirty money. Played kind of like a grad-school doc.

Movie Review: No End In Sight R-4 Strings

Award winning doc about the endless Iraq war. Thoroughly done and expertly interviewed, though all of the key republican players are absent (refused to be interviewed for the story). I like this because it holds back on the heavy director's voice found in most documentaries. Watch this...get mad.

Movie Review: Mr. Brooks R-2 Strings

Killer with strange accomplice. The set up and initial run of this movie was damn near brilliant. The last bit was painfully lame and typically Hollywood. Kostner still has the goods, I just can't get fully behind this. If you're drunk and into something different, go ahead.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Movie Review: U23D G-5 Strings

U2 in concert, in 3D. Sure I'm a bit biased, but this was shot in '3ality', which uses 3 cameras to create the 3D effect rather than two. The result is a hyper-lush, sensually rich feast. If I could see concerts like this all the time, I'd stop paying $70 a person to see this band from 60 yards away.

Movie Review: The Fog Of War NR-3 Strings

Documentary about Robert Mcknamera, US sec of defense of many many years. It's stunning and educational to see a man speak so casually of war in all of its machine-like glory. When playing chess on the global level, it is fascinating to actually hear how close the world has come to nuclear war, on several occasions.

Movie Review: Fido R-4 Strings

Corporation domesticates zombies. It was very entertaining watching zombies do housework. Though it could’ve stuck with one joke (look it mows the lawn…look it serves dinner), it actually has a curious plot and though it drags a bit in middle, this is a new take on the zombie genre.

Movie Review: Saw IV UR-2 Strings

Serial killer, though dead since Saw III, has a back story. I did enjoy the efforts to fill in the massive questions I had for the first three films, but couldn’t understand why/how this guy is still able to exact ongoing punishment on otherwise intelligent people. I can tell you, I wasn’t scared at any time during the film. I can’t say the same about the first one.

Movie Review: Eastern Promises R-4 Strings

Ultra-violent Russian Mafia…with a twist! The Russian mafia is known for its blatant disregard for human life, and the movie seems to mirror that faithfully. A young girl with connections to the mob gives birth under mysterious circumstances, and the blood starts flying. Good beer watching film.

Movie Review: The Last Mimzy PG-3 Strings

Comet hits earth, stuffed animal gives two kids special power. Annika loved this much more than Robinsons…I blame the stuffed animal. It reminded me a bit of Matthew Broderick’s ‘War Games,’ with it’s ‘little-kids-against-all-odds’ vibe. I dug that.

Movie Review: Meet The Robinsons G-3 Strings

Boy discovers time travel, bothered by evil doers. Herky-jerky film that never seemed to get off the ground. Annika liked it, probably because it had the kind of pacing that only a first grader could appreciate. Cute for sure, but lacked the storytelling heft of the A-list Disney films.