Monday, March 03, 2008

Movie Review: Talk To Me R-2 Strings

Based on the life of DC dj Petey Greene. This should've been, could've been brilliant. A typical rise and fall story that never found its voice, ironically. Even Don Cheadle, a top shelf actor, slipped into hyperbole, going from heavy dramatic to witty humorist and then to lover didn't make the character more complex, it made less focussed. Bummer.

Movie Review: I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry PG13-1 Strings

Two heteros go homo for insurance. I'm indifferent about the gay bashing and stereotyping throughout the movie. I AM, however, thoroughly annoyed by comedies that aren't funny. I didn't laugh once. One string up for Jessica Biel. She is one more underwear scene away from making it onto my list. Keep it up Jess!

Movie Review: Robot Chicken Season 1 NR-4 Strings

Toys remade to act in funny situations. I'm mad that I hadn't thought of doing this. The only thing I might be critical about is that you have to know the story that they are making fun of. There were a couple of times when the skit wasn't funny, more because I had no idea what they were lampooning.

Movie Review: Wetback: The Undocumented Documentary R-3 Strings

A doc about, you guessed it, people crossing the border into America. Fun fact: many of the immigrants come from Ecuador, Honduras, and have to cross several borders before coming to America. Dangerous journey for minimum wage. Better than nothing, I guess. On a side note, I'm getting a little tired of documentaries.

Movie Review: Sicko PG13-4 Strings

Documentary about America's health care situation. I can't help but feel like I'm being played by Michael Moore when I watch a film of his. On the one hand, great point! People SHOULD be covered in a country as wealthy as ours. On the other hand, I don't really think you can compare the homeless in America with the French upper class.

Movie Review: Stranger Than Paradise R-2 Strings

Three bohemians travel into the heart of America. This movie was practically billed as the second coming of Christ. Not so, says I. Long contemplative shots where characters gaze in wonder at the black and white American urban landscape. I liked it the first time I saw it when it was called "Weekend."

Movie Review: Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War On America PG-4 Strings

Documentary about how Rupert Murdoch owns 25% of the world media outlets. Yep, 25%. One man. World wide. Just bought The Wall Street Journal...owns Fox. Uber republican and, according to this film, controls both the content and delivery of everything that he puts out on the air. Fair and balanced? Hogwash.

Movie Review: Into Great Silence NR-3 Strings

Documentary about monks who take a vow of silence. You REALLY have to be in the mood to watch this. Literally no speaking throughout the entire movie...not by the director, not by anyone. I rode the remote on this, and though the shots were beautiful, I can't say that I really 'learned' anything, which is what I watch docs for in the first place. SSLLOOWW...