Sunday, September 21, 2008

Vince Vaughn’s Wild West Comedy Show-3 Strings

Documentary following hungry young comedians…30 gigs in 30 days. Don’t expect a ton, but, as a former hungry musician, it’s fun to watch the energy andevolution of people trying to make it in the biz. Fun film if you have a sense of humor.

A Lawyer Walks Into A Bar-1 String

People try to pass the bar exam. Rented this because I thought it was about filthy corporate lawyers…turns out it is only about people trying to pass the world’s hardest exam. Why? I’m not sure. I don’t feel bad for them either way.

Lars And The Real Girl-0 Strings

Dude falls in love with a synthetic doll. Couldn’t tell if Lars was upset or just special. As a wise man once said: “Never go full retard.” You know, Jen never watches joins me in the theater, and she comes in for this horrific piece of tripe.

Ask The Dust-0 Strings

Romantic drama. Boring, with nudity, and an overdramatic storyline. Don’t ask the dust; it has no answer. Stupid dust.

10,000 BC-1 String

Lovers separated by prehistoric Imperialists. This isn’t enough of a SFX film to bother viewing. Boring story…too many characters, uninspiring plot lines, everyone speaking in modern English. You figure it out.

Wristcutters: A Love Story-2 Strings

People try, and fail, to kill their selves. A really uncommon film with some artistic moments, both funny and strange. What I don’t understand is, why bother? So people try to kill themselves and form a secret society of losers. Weird and a little bit interesting, I guess.

P2-0 Strings

Girl stuck in a parking garage. A couple of cool kills, but, as my bro says, if you’re going to do a survival flick, your characters better do everything possible to survive. Skip it.

Reservation Road-3 Strings

Boy dies in hit and run. Father does the work that the cops can’t do. A regular drama, worthy of basic cable. Good acting all around, and a pleasant story, though I had trouble figuring out who the protag and antag was.

Darkon-3 Strings

Doc about people who LARP (look it up). I learned quite a bit about the ultimate world of geeking. If you have a Netflix account, go ahead and throw it on. Imagine a world in which people tested each other in non-mortal combat.

Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead-4 Strings

Bank robbery becomes complicated. Superior film and great writing. I can’t say much here without giving away the plot. Lots of clever edits and story reveals which elevates the drama.

AVP: Requiem-1 String

Aliens (who still don’t have a name) fight Predators. I don’t’ really remember this one, other than a large focus on the young, hot humans trying to survive. Didn’t care…don’t bother. Wasn’t even big enough on the FX level to enjoy: plenty stupid, no big.

Lions For Lambs-2 Strings

The politics behind the Iraq war. Not a ton to say other than Meryl Streep is starting to nail down the ‘beak-nosed, eyebrow-elevated, purse-lipped scowl’ look. Didn’t make a major impression on me. Nor anyone else, apparently.

The Orphanage-4 Strings

Haunted orphanage. Get out your reading glasses. Lots of haunting images and a well written story. The film drags in spots, but has a wickedly pleasing reveal. Not as good as I thought it’d be, though.

I Could Never Be Your Woman-1 Strings

An impossible cougar-like love story. Jen watched this with me…I couldn’t shut up about how lame this was. Completely unbelievable. One string up because Michelle Pfeiffer is still gorgeous (and for having a Mennonite last name).

Nanking-3 Strings

Documentary, apparently, about the genocide of Nanking. Historical footage and interviews along with actors, acting out diary writings of missionaries working in Nanking. The actors kept pulling me out of what was otherwise a fairly interesting story.

I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With-1 String

Schlub hooks up with Sarah Silverman. A few funny jokes and scenarios, but really nothing interesting or original (or believable) about this story. Good jokes do not a good movie make.

Starting Out In The Evening 2-String

Old man falls in love with a young woman. The best thing that I can say about this movie is that it accurately captured the different life-views of people who are 30 years apart. Likeable story, not entirely perfect.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Manda Bala (Send A Bullet)-3 Strings

An industry arises out of the south american drug trade. I blame America...I blane South America. Imagine living in a country where your best bet is to hire someone who can make your care bullet proof...

Welcome to the West.

The 11th Hour-3 Strings

The world is dying. Not particularly insightful, but if you like your basic conspiracies focused at a nominal level, this one is for you. I'm guessing that only liberals would like the one.

Safe Men-4 Strings

Doofs score big in the break in business. Funny movie that more people should've heard of. Lots of fun twists and turns. Good acting and certainly worth the rental. A really enjoyable film.

Golden Compass-2 Strings

Lord of the Rings for really young kids. I'll buy all sorts of nonsense (The Hulk 1), but when your movie ends at the beginning of a non-existent part two, one is bound to feel unfulfilled. Nicole Kidman is still really hot.

21-2 Strings

MIT kids hustle Las Vegas. Not particularly interesting. Decent thriller. I like it when hot people have troubles like me...because I'm not hot...I just have troubles.

Friday, September 05, 2008

HW: Eng 252 9/8

Do the writing assignment on page 48. Typed. MLA format.

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