Friday, October 03, 2008

Should You See It?

(Fantastic start, terrible end. Seriously)

Should You See It?

(Piercing and body mods w/ the volume at 11)

Should You See It?

(It's like 'Best in Show,' but about gambling)

Should You See It?

(A reader, but a fantastic film)

Should You See It?

(I hope you like movies with hopeless endings)

Should You See It?

(If you're a fan of sassy 80s music)

Should You See It?

(Above average film)

Should You See It?

(Like the 'Italian Job,' but not as good)

Should You See It?

(Watch 'Shark Week' instead)

Should You See It?

(How much corn are you eating? More than you realize.)

Should You See It?

(Unfulfilling. Imagine living in a country where you can't grow your hair.)

Should You See It?

(Lame movie, furiously important issue)

Should You See It?

(Hollywood and Jews...hard to picture, I know)

Should You See It?

(If you feel like watching a drama production of an historical event)

Should You See It?

(Watch 'Maxed Out' instead)

Should You See It?

(Mediocre extras)

Should You See It?


Boarding Gate 1-String

Former hooker does stuff. Watch 'Run Lola Run' instead. Drugs, guns, and assassins in their underwear...not as interesting as you'd think.

Inside 1-Strings

Babies and car crashes collide. I've seldom seen movies with this much promise fail so epically. What an incredible survival tale the turns into a witless cop drama, with extra unsubtle irony. Watch and be disappointed. Super gross though, so if you're into that, go ahead.

Chaos Theory 3-Strings

Guy has crazy life. Lots of interesting plot twists, but this movie really falls into the 'people never really talk to each other' category. I sit there and think, 'why doesn't he just talk to his old lady?' The film starts quirky and ends sincerely, which doesn't fit the vibe one bit.

Delirious 3-Strings

Loser paparazzi try to get gigs. It was fun watching bottom feeders try to make their way up. The story starts to whine towards the end and takes some really lame turns when the protagonist becomes a huge star, but it's a rip, I guess.

Charlie Wilson's War 2-Strings

Charlie Wilson inadvertently lays the foundations for the current Iraq war...and is rewarded. Put this film in the 'George Clooney Something Is Missing' category. Big Hollywood stars performing award winning roles with a circuitous role plot line.

Grace Is Gone 4-Strings

Grace dies in the Iraq war, man can't tell his kids. Tragic story, artfully told. Not perfect, certainly long on the tooth, but if you're a soft, wuss male, this one will pay off, even though the premise is a bit of a stretch (wife marine, dad supermom).

Little Manhattan 2-Strings

Boy navigates divorce and 'first love.' I have absolutely no idea how this one ended up in my cue...another reason to say no to beer, folks. Kind of a cute story, even if it is entirely unbelievable...which means this innocent love story, isn't really innocent.

Grass 2-Strings

Doc about the history of weed. Some good historical stuff, but terrible production values really ruin the underlying story, turning a perfectly interesting story about the history of weed into a childish melodrama. Really disappointing. 

Dirty Work 2-Strings

Lots of comedians come out for Norm Macdonald's vanity project. Some funny jokes and silliness, but there is no real plot, just a ton of 'set set punch.' It was a lot like 'Beer League,' if that makes any sense.