Friday, April 17, 2009

Smart People - 0 Beers

English profs fall in love with the strangest people. Likely the reason why I rented it. Smart people trying to avoid their tendency to be juvenile r-tards. Maybe I hate it because it reminds me too much of myself.

Sleepwalking - 3 Beers

Failed mom (Theron) ruins many lives. A cold, white-trash drama. Works best as a Netflix rental, particularly if you're in a dramatically depressive mood. The movie has little plot, but bathes itself in American cynicism and failure. I has me a Master's Degree!

Mother Of Tears - 0 Beers

A female The Omen meets the country of Mexico. Tons of super high drama with no payoff in story, imagery, or acting. I like watching movies that are SO scary, they're not scary at all.

Heavy Metal In Baghdad - 4 Beers

Read the title. I'm worried that the words 'Baghdad' and 'Beer' will get me killed in a Fatwah...or is that a Jiihad? You've got to love a country in which musicians could be killed for growing their hair. Insightful. The music sucks, but I really love the heart.

Encounters At The End Of The World - 3 Beers

Nature film, nicely shot. Ahm geeting tie-ud of Vernur's ahk-scent. It's too intrusive. Only a narcissist would hobble his film with a deeply German accent. He's treading dangerously close to Errol Morris which the director is more important than the film.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mongol - 3 Beers

Son avenges the murder of his father. Good visuals, solid Western narrative. Why are the only Asian films I see 'Period Pieces.' I know contemporary films are being made, but why don't they get mainstream Western appeal?

Billy The Kid - 4 Beers

Odd kid tries to live life. This is a superior documentary. The kid seems both dangerous, loving, pure. You've never seen a kid, or a film like this. One beer down: When I looked for a follow-up (myspace etc.), all I found was the f-ing director using the 'billy/billy the kid' cache to promote herself. Couldn't find a thing about him.

Heckler - 4 Beers

Jaime Kennedy kicks back at hecklers. Not perfect in the 'story,' but brings up the issues of mother ferking hecklers interrupting comedians. I pay good money for a night out and someone is yelling and ruins the show. Like going to a Van Halen show and having a drunken guitarist play loudly at the same time. STFU people.

Taxi To The Dark Side - 5 Beers

Arrested Afghan taxi driver ends up dead. Arrested by Americans...did I mention that? Insightful look America's policy on torture. On Republican Tax Day(???) I'd like to throw the Republicans a hi-five for condoning a 7 year un-winnable war and only getting upset because the current president is spending money on something else. Pro-life!!

Modify - 2 Beers

People ram metal through most everything on their body. Go ahead, turn your back into a Converse Hi-Top, but don't expect me to not think you're a jack ass. Don't even get me started with the condescending 'I-rammed-a-hoop-through-genitals-so-that-makes-me-better-than-you' attitude.

Chicago 10 - Where's The Waiter??

Film about the 10 agitators at the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1967(?). Got about 1/3 through and realized I just didn't care. Didn't care...and I like history.

Snow Angels - 3 Beers

Estranged husband/wife and young love in a small town. The grown up story (Hello, Kate Beckinsale!!) was far more interesting and believable. Sad to watch people try to do the right thing and fail at almost every turn. I'd say it's worth the rent.

Chapter 27 - 2 Beers

Jared Leto gets fat and kills John Lennon. A good character study that really fell short on narrative. It was hard to tell if I was watching an interpretation of the facts or if it were more fact-based. The later would be cool, but the artsy approach really messed with that dynamic.