Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Movie Review: Jeepers Creepers R--2 Strings

my only fierce complaint about this one, besides not being very scarry, is that this movie is absolutely SLOW. the movie chariots of fire was faster paced than this one. like stuffing in turkey, the slow camera work just seemed like a way to kill time. sure, there was a coolness to it, thats why i gave it 2 strings, yo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God that you dont go to the movies a lot, otherwise i wouldnt be able to comment lol. This movie was okay, i mean i was sort of disappointed. I think that the first jeppers creepers was better. i liked the first one, because it was a fresh new idea, and it wasnt copping every other scary movie. I wish that they would have tried a little harder with the effects, i mean, try to make it scarier. I like to be scared. The reason i didnt like this movie as much, is also because, i already knew pretty much what was going to happen. No, i didnt hear it from a friend, but it didnt keep me guessing or on the edge of my seat...i give it one star (*)

5:55 PM  
Blogger duhliterate said...

for the record, when i got this one, i actually thought it was the first one. part of me wants to see the original, part of me doesnt.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this movie sucked. I didn't think the first one was that good to begin with and this one wasn't any better.

5:06 PM  

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