Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Movie Review: Old School R--5 Strings

in a further effort of convince yall that im not a hater, i submit that old school is one of the finer movies made. people who know me are irritated because i cant stop quoting form this movie (youre better than that spanish...are you kidding me, old man river wont shut up about it)

"youre my boy blue...youre my boy."

sure this movie's intended for a more mature audience, but anyone who's been to college knows that high school is NOT the best time of your life; college is. period. this movie is a throw-back to the days when you could sleep in and skip class without any significant reprocussions.

"denver...the sunshine state."

the commentary track for this movie is just as funny as the actual movie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This movie was wrond on so many levels. It was stupid and gross funny. It was alright, but real funny. I couldnt stop laughing. My parents thought that it was inappropriate for a girl of my age to watch such a film. What do they know? Okay, maybe they know alot. Might as well let me make my own oppinion about it. I think that it was very inappropriate...lol jk

4:21 PM  
Blogger duhliterate said...

good points. when i clean my house i put this movie on full blast. im dusting my bedroom saying stuff like...

"yeah, i took the restrictor plate off to give the red dragon more juice. lets keep that on the down low...this baby's not exactly street leagal...hey mike!"

friggin brilliant.

9:23 AM  

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