Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Movie Review: Pitch Black R--3 Strings

this movie is rated 'r' for reasons that arent entirely clear to me...unless you consider computer animated blood to be violence. i like big, loud, stupid movies, and this isnt one of them. in fact, i gave it 3 strings simply because the female lead in the movie is mighty cute. once again, im being shallow...geniuses have a way of doing that from time to time--it balances out the universe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this movie rocked! vin did an excellent job! I mean wow! this movie was totally awesome and i think that no one else could have done a better job. I loved this movie soooooo much i saw it over and over and over again, when i fist saw it, it was kind of sarteling...what a good complaints at all.

6:38 PM  

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