Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Back By Popular Demand: The World's Ugliest House Pt 2

my last shots didnt capture the glory of the suck quite well enough, so i thought id give it another go. you may have to click on the pics to get a larger view.

if i get more requests, i may take the good camera out and really get into this. of course the pretend cop may pretend ask me to leave, and if i dont, may pretend arrest me and/or pretend shoot me.

"why yes," i envision the owner saying, "that is an Easter Island head replica. and yes, that is a Save Our Zoo advertisement from 2 or 3 years ago. of course, that's a lifesize policeman statue...special ordered from kansas. i keep them all away from the fence because i was tired of people stealing them. and at $1.25 a piece, you could see how expensive that would get!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was the homework for english 125 on tuesday?

6:41 PM  

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