Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Guys Getting Endless Trim Named Hot Bachelors

isnt enough that every time they wipe they get more women to fall in love with them? the insider reports:
They're the guys whose broad shoulders and dazzling smiles make Hollywood seem like "Hunkwood." Tonight, we're counting down the buffest, most desirable star bachelors of 2006! • NICK LACHEY • JAMIE FOXX • JAKE GYLLENHAAL • LEONARDO DiCAPRIO • GEORGE CLOONEY

i want to go through the list:
lachey--sympathy hotness, usually handed out generously by oprah show watchers.
foxx--this guy is not handsome. he cleans up nice, but as soon as his mouth opens, things go bad.
gyllenhaal--the opposite of foxx. this guy is only good looking when he smiles
dicaprio--this one makes me mad. he's had more models than i have hair.
clooney--gay (think rock hudson)


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