Thursday, April 06, 2006

She's Got Katie Couric Eyes

so, i dont know, perky. yahoo reports:

Katie Couric is risking her television legacy to leave NBC's "Today" show and anchor the CBS evening news as a new poll shows that people would rather watch her in the morning.

im going out on a limb here (and i know this will upset the oprah crowd), but katie couric annoys the hell out me. you wanna know why? its her eye make-up. that black only on the outer edges makes her look like a doe-eyed simp.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a doll with that same head once. It gave me nightmares. At least if I ran across that face in the morning hours, I had all day to get over it. Now, I'm afraid the nightmares will come back.

11:10 AM  

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