Monday, November 06, 2006


i'd hoped to put a movie review here, but for some lame-tastic reason, hollywood studio pencil necks decided to cut the nation-wide screens by 1200, fearing that no one would go see the movie beyond 800 screens. i wouldve gone if i didnt have to go to the vacuuous north-side of town to see it. so hear it is...ATTENTION HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS: THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOUR SALES ARE DOWN...YOU ARENT GIVING US WHAT WE WANT.

now, cohen is the only one who has to pay for it. good job chumps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't see it(obviously)

but I heard one joke.

(he's introducing his daughter)

"This is my daughter,
she has no name,
cause she is girl."

It's a little harsh, but funny as hell.

11:19 PM  

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