Friday, May 18, 2007

Grab Your Bible!

hell is officially full...

Rev. Jerry Falwell, a man whom critics called “a tremendous homophobe” and “leader of American’s anti-gay industry,” died Tuesday at age 73.

his death hopefully marks the end of the politically motivated hate-filled christian (9/11 was God's revenge on abortion and tollerance of homosexuals, or, aids was God's punishment for homosexuality). i think he drove more people away from christianity than he saved. it's a sure sign of the apacolypse. those of you who were stalling and on the fence about the whole jesus thing, may want to make a choice quick.

maybe God was punishing falwell for being such a jackass.

Jesus didn't condone homosexuality...yeah, but jerry falwell isn't Jesus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear, duhliterate, I was just reading the blog on Falwell, My friend you're absolutely right!!!!. But I noticed from recalling some of his sound bites over the years, He never said anything about obesity.LOL!!!Not wanting to be a judgest, I'm curious if where ever he is, Is there a buffet? Maybe he will want to save a place in line for John Haggee. Along with his seven sins, let us not forget sloth, i.e. no exercise bla.bla.bla. and when he TOOK over the Tammy & Jim empire. Speeking of (P)ositively (T)asteless makeup user, (L)ady. Now that I hear she is maybe one her way out, Will Jim Baker go and visit her in her time of need.? Story was, that when he was incarserated, she sent their son to tell him of the impending divorce. God:Tammy Faye, I understand you broke one of your marriage vows to your husband. Tammy: Which one was that Lord.? God:Devotion wheather in richer and in poorer. Tammy:Well, Lord, I didn't plan of being THAT poor.

4:18 PM  

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