Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Movie Review: Babel R-5 Strings

a unique story told very very well. be in the mood to read, and leave your prejudices at the door, because they are pretty much all going to be brought to the front with this one. again, i think the sell on this one was poor. really heartfelt and tragic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aly and I were going to watch this once, but someone told her there was "too much sex" in it, so she didn't want to watch it.

But I think I'll find the DVD and watch it later, it sounds nice.

Thug out.

4:06 PM  
Blogger duhliterate said...

yes, there are a couple of 'moments', that we usually don't get in the u.s. but, on many many levels, it wasnt about the 'perversion' so much as it was about the loss of life and love and family. pretty depressing actually, but i can see why women would be offended.

legal driver?? thanks for the warning.

12:03 AM  

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