Monday, March 03, 2008

Movie Review: Talk To Me R-2 Strings

Based on the life of DC dj Petey Greene. This should've been, could've been brilliant. A typical rise and fall story that never found its voice, ironically. Even Don Cheadle, a top shelf actor, slipped into hyperbole, going from heavy dramatic to witty humorist and then to lover didn't make the character more complex, it made less focussed. Bummer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You, my friend, are a hard man to find.

Go to and check the scrolling pictures and see if any of those guys playing guitar might have sat next to you in biology 20 or so years ago.


4:59 PM  
Blogger duhliterate said...


Hey! Saw the site/band. Looks like fun. I can't send an em on the myspace page...something's up. The tard factor is high with me.

email me: so that I can hit you back. Hope you get this.


8:58 AM  

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