Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The End Of Suburbia UR 3 Strings (B)

How the suburbs will die because of its reliance on fuel. Very cynical view of the end of modern society. Though some of the film’s 2004 opinions have come true, the movie’s makers don’t account for human greed. Before watching this, watch ‘Who Killed The Electric Car,’ ‘America: Freedom to Fascism,’ ‘Maxed Out,’ ‘An Unreasonable Man,’ ‘No End In Sight,’ ‘The Fog of War.’ Your random Wal-Mart documentary…Shall I continue? If you've seen the others, not a lot of new territory here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironically, The End of Suburbia was released before most, if not all, of the other documentaries you mentioned.

10:53 AM  

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