Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Diary of the Dead 1-String

Zombies attack people. I, Duhliterate, call you out, George Romero to assert why this movie is ANY kind of good. Your characters spoke in cliché, 40 years after ‘Night of the Living Dead,’ and no one in your movie seemed to even know what a zombie was, you were didactic with your assault on news media/public consumption of it.

You get NO PASS from me on this film. The remake of ‘Dawn of the Dead’ was better than this one. Poorly acted, poorly written. George, build on the stories of the past, and don’t act like this is the first zombie film ever made.


Prove to me that this was a good film.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Duhliterate, I'm not going to oppose you. This genre isn't very well improving.

School starts on Wednesday, I believe. We're gonna miss you FM homes, on the real.

Have a great time at your new school, I think a few of us will make effort to take a field trip there someday, it'd be pretty rad.

Be blessed this school year, and in all you do.


-Mike Smth

8:00 PM  
Blogger duhliterate said...


Thank you for the thoughts. You guys are the leaders who need show the new folks how it is done.

Come by to see me any time. I don't know what the new school's policy will be on guests, but it should be a good road trip anyway.

Be good.


11:59 PM  

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