Friday, September 16, 2005

Movie Review: EARLY REVIEW! Exorcist: Emily Rose

can someone please tell my why in the world a movie about demon possession is rated pg-13?!!! satan is so scary that anyone under 13 proabably shouldnt believe in him. how about we all go ahead and agree that, in general, 13 year olds should never leave the house, and NEVER be given enough money to go to a movie.

i mean really, i go to a rated R movie, and i see half a dozen 10 year olds and their parents. so why cant i see demon possession as an adult? for shame hollywood!


Blogger duhliterate said...

i was watching sixteen candles...NUDITY! remember when pg actually meant something?! airplane...same thing.

ill restate it: do not give your 13 year old money, and DO NOT drop them off at the movie theater. i mean it.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about the ratings on horor movies

4:51 PM  

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