Saturday, October 15, 2005

An Olsen, I Can't Tell Which, Quits College

one of the olsen twins takes her first step in the ultimate tailspin. yahoo reports:

"Ashley, on the '80s comedy "Full House," has dropped out of college, early in her sophomore year, according to a published report."

real work, it seems, is rather difficult.

is it possible to get a major in 'hotness'? at the tender age of under 21, one of the olsen sisters, here, is finally paying the karma debt owed for the turdfest: full house (which, of course, shouldve been titled: full mullet).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Klassen, I don't get it? One of them dropped out of collage.? Explain later. I'm doing my homework K. HOLLA!

Oh yah and this is juli, I tried to attach a photo so you would know without reading it but it wouldn't let me. Well, let me finish my work Bye.

3:53 PM  

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