Monday, October 10, 2005

Concert Review: Motley M--F-ing Crue--5 Strings

i actually had no idea i was going to this concert. which is another story in itself (i thought i was doing set up for the system of a down concert). this is what i get for going through my life only half paying attention. on to the review:

what a show...circus-type atmosphere, and so much foul language from the stage, i thought i was at a marine recruitment center. the audience? thought youd never ask. ages ranging from 7th grade to mid-50s. heavy metal chicks in the audience, all battling for cleavage supremecy.

the band would play for about 45 minutes, then take a 10 minute break...what a novel idea! gave everyone a chance to go buy beer or take a leak! during one of the breaks, tommy lee came out with what he announced was the 'porno cam'. and he wanted to see lots of boobies...which, of course, he got to see. shot them with the cam, and blasted them onto the bigsreens. i wouldve felt bad for these women, if it werent so funny. well, thats not true...i do still feel a little bad.

the band ended their set with the sex pistols' anarchy. a class move for a decidedly 'unclassy' show. enjoy the picks!


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