Thursday, November 03, 2005

Rap Group Trying For Best Comedy Album

im always stunned when people argue that rap music doesnt suck.

just when i think the black eyed peas couldn’t get any lamer, they release their latest single "my humps". First don’t "phunk with my heart" and now this. how do you go from a credible hip hop group to a soulless bunch of sellouts? then again, that does seem to be the trend these days in hip hop.

allow me to quote a part of the chorus: "my humps, my humps, my lucious lady lumps"

if they werent trying to be taken seriously, this wouldnt be so funny. how many years of high school did it take to come up with that alliteratve gem??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, i admit that their lyrics are totally lame, but come one, no one listens to the words anymore, at least i dont! its all in the beat, its fun to dance to, and its waaay better than ashley simpson, lol.
maybe they are a bunch of sellouts, but to me their sellout songs have hecka beat...;p
I know, i know, i always disagree with you, but what world would it be if i agreed with EVERYTHING adults had to say?? (gorge bush...)

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, all hip-hop has is beat.

Rarely do they have lyrics worthy of taking serious, I'm not saying rock music is the best, because each type of music has thier own speciality, usually almost all the songs that hit the radio nowadays f-in' suck in lyrically and musically.

And how the Hell could they have sold out? What were they before?

7:39 PM  

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