Sunday, November 20, 2005

SNL Sucks!

years and years ago, i used to watch this show with my father...many years ago before this show spewed chunks. i recently tried very hard to like this show again, but once i saw a skit parroting 'i love lucy' (a show 20 years before my time), i figured pretty much everyone else on the show is phoning it in, so why bother even trying to like it? good night, and good luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! I record it every Saturday night and watch it the next day and wonder why I waste the time. But I still record it under the guise that maybe they'll be funny. Still dissappointed. Once in a while there is a News item that makes me laugh out loud. But as the person who got you started watching this show, I agree.

10:07 AM  

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