Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"The Whole World's Gone Gay!" -Homer Simpson (Part 1 & 2)

i like how people who dont agree (for whatever reason) with the gay/homosexual/bisexual/quadsexual/octasexual/polysexual/transgender/
bi-gender/defining-yourself-by-your-sexuality crowd as homophobes. dude, im just not into other dudes. if you are, thats fine. stop beating me over the head with it. im not going to go on a march with you because i dont define myself by my sexual preferrence or gender or race--you do, but i dont. for some of us, there are more important elements to life than who we sleep with (or love, as the case may be). as for the movie, i dont know anyone whos actually seen the films. i will tell you this (as stated in my 'globes' post), the golden globes are a 'foreign' press award. i dont know if any of you realize this, but europe and most of the rest of the world doesnt really like us. 'you have a president acting like a cowboy? we like the movie about gay cowboys. empire falls? lets vote for that one!' in hollywood its a known fact. these wont win a thing at the academy. tmz reports:

Are this year's Golden Globes a watershed? Some people, like Joe Solmonese, president of the gay-rights group Human Rights Campaign, thinks so since six awards went to movies with gay or transsexual central characters. "It was a historic night," he told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "I think it says a lot about where we're going as a country."

a couple of years ago the same thing was said about black/african-american actors when denzel and halle won. well you can see how well that turned out. not a substantive film from either of them since. jamie foxx is well on his way to cuba (gooding jr). im not happy about it, im just trying to assert the fact that its only a movie. ill say it again...its only a movie. theyre only doesnt change the fact that you still dont have a life.


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