Tuesday, February 21, 2006

He Gets To Keep The Brain In The Divorce

how much would you want to be paid to put up with her? extra reports:

Nick dropped a bomb in his papers, asking for alimony. Adding fuel to the fire, the hunky singer also wants all of his jewelry back and wants to keep all his earnings he accumulated since the split.

i dont blame him for wanting the jewelry back. 'newlyweds' was a guilty pleasure show of mine, and he constantly dropped the bling on this girl; she always seemed to treat it like costume jewelry...he spent more on her in one sitting than i make in a year. people are pounding him for wanting some scratch from her. i really think he earned it.

she seems to have no concept of reality, and is totally milking the turdfest that is the 'boots' song. im even going to go on record as saying that she's not very good looking.


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