Friday, February 10, 2006

Irony (n.) Using Violence To Prove You Aren't Violent

never mind what this does to freedom, free press, or freedom of speech. mideasttimes reports:

The United States on Wednesday hardened its stance in the international uproar over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, while four more deaths were reported in related violence.

here is a copy of the offending pic. according to the drawing, all muhammed is thinking about is violence. this. this is what it takes to start irrational insanity. this. somebody call robert maplethorpe, and let him have a stab at this whole muhammed thing.

why is no one telling these people they are proving the caricature to be true? how many have to die and how much damage has to occur before muslims say, "hey, arent we proving the world right by being violent?" we need a muslim version of ghandi, or a muslim mary poppins to assert some sanity and peace. save us jebus!


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