Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Prohpecy: Book Burning

reading is dangerous: it gives people ideas...and you know what ideas lead to, dont you--dancing! reuters reports:

"The Da Vinci Code" has undermined faith in the Roman Catholic Church and badly damaged its credibility, a survey of British readers of Dan Brown's bestseller showed on Tuesday.

i really think the only solution is to start wholesale book burning. i know hitler didnt invent it, but her certainly popularized it. the quote is funny...a movie giving the Church a bad name. wasnt the spanish inquisition or the protestant reformation, or pervert priests...it was the davinci code that's making them look bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course! The Catholic church had absolutely no hand in the tarnishing of thier name.

I really wanna see this movie, if Christians and Catholics had that much of a BF about it, it's gotta be good.

I'm not even saying that because it's despite the church, movies that are banned by the Pope must be good, like the Exorcist.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I recently watched that.

And it's a really good film.

Next stop, The Omen.

4:10 PM  

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