Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Incredible Hulk 4-Strings

Banner continues the fight. Good visuals and solid plot. I will tell you, however, that I am sick and tired of “heroes” doing their super aggressive/violent work with their wives/old ladies/girlfriends within 25 feet of them. I’m SICK AND TIRED of “superheroes” being killed by women. Call me a sexist, but think of the list…Batman, Spiderman, ALL of the Xmen. Let’s try a new idea, Hollywood: hero does his job without being compromised by a love interest.

I love women like the next dude, but I’m sick and tired of superhuman men being quickly and easily dispatched by an average gal. It’s not that she’s female, but that she’s no body in particular, and simply because she’s nice, the superhero is no longer super…he’s just a man. It’s like I didn’t read comic books at all as a kid.


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