Friday, September 23, 2005

Movie Review: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory PG--4 Strings

i dont mind saying that my daughter was a little spooked by the movie. she thought the oompas were a little much, but she did like they way they danced. how cool would it be to have a name like deep roy? maybe people should start calling me deep duhliterate; or king duhliterate.

i am getting a little tired of the tim burton/johnny depp thing. its starting to feel elitist. 'im johnny depp, i can afford an island. i knew hunter s thompson and marlon brando...blah blah blah.

believe it or not, i actually do see movies without my daughter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do your student's read these posts? Well if so... Sorry, but I have to tell you since we're on the subject of Tim Burton... In 1991 I saw a movie called "Edward Penishands" with the same premise of Tim Burton's flick only with...well, I guess with the title I don't really need to explain, do I?
By the way... Sad I haven't gotten to see the Chocolate Factory on the big screen...

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this movie. I don't know why. I also love how Johny Depp acts and i think he made a great contribution to the movie

5:01 PM  

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