Monday, September 19, 2005

Movie Review: A Man Apart R--2 Strings

i swear to you, there is NOTHING funnier than listening to vin diesel narrate over a movie. dialogue and this dude simply dont get along. the movie was way violent, but i couldnt stop laughing every time he spoke.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that your commet was partially true. People often confuse good acting with hotness...which isnt what should be happening when you watch a movie. Good actors or actresses have to make you believe that they are different people each time that they act. They cannot just "play" the character's part, they have to BE the character. In this movie, i think that Vin (for short) did an alright job. the problem with him is that he doesnt make me believe that he is a different person. in every movie that i have seen him in, he comes across as tough. in this movie, yeah, he is supposed to be tough and strong, but the you also have to remember that he is mourning. He is in a state of anguish and pain and he is in search of revenge, he doesnt put that ingrediant into his character in this movie. Well, that is just my oppinion...:)

6:21 PM  
Blogger duhliterate said...

you know what would be funny, diesel in shakespeare's 'macbeth'...

uhh, is that a dagga i see bufor me?

9:35 AM  

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