Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Movie Review: The Princess Bride PG--5 Strings

per a recent request for a 5 string classic, i submit the following:

let me first say, that i absolutely love movies. anything 3 strings or above is a positive review. naturally some movies are better than others. on a similar note, i was reading rolling stone the other day, and noticed how many bloody reviews were 3 stars...98% of them. being neutral is so boring. i try to cover all the strings on my reviews. check out the 'movie review' link on my web page for more info. on to the review...

this movie absolutely stands the test of time. pure, innocent, clean fun. its as funny now that i am an adult as it was when i was younger. the one liners here are absolute gold. publish your own in the comments section. GO OUT AND RENT/BUY THIS MOVIE! humor at every turn. this movie has andre the giant in it...what more can you say than THAT?

"Never meth with a thithilian when death ith on the line..."

"Stop it, I mean it"
"Anybody want a peanut?"

contribute your own lines...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw this movie a long time ago. I am extremely suprised that you even put it on your blog. Well, when i read the title, i thought that it would be something like beauty and the beast or snow white, but it was totally the opposite. It was an okay movie, no complaints. It had a mix of comedy, romance, and adventure, but I expected a little more. I think that I expected more romance than anything else. Other than that one thing, i thought that it was alright. I mean, i am not totally in love with this movie enough, to the point where it is my total fav. I'd give it a star and a half out of five stars. :)

5:51 PM  

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