Monday, February 06, 2006

Steelers On Top

the minute the game was over, i knew what the line was going to be: the refs, the calls...everything but how well or not well anyone played. here are a couple of facts on the issue: you cant push a deffender away with your hands. the ref was reaching for the flag, but couldnt get it out, but all anyone sees is the steeler 'making the call' for the ref. its called pass interference, cant be done. i aggree that there were some crap calls in there. steelers played terrible in the first half, but the steeler defence was on its game the whole time. period. the seattle offense was no where to be found. only two tangible stabs at the goal. they always seemed to falter on the steeler 40 yard line. i dont care about 'emotional tide' of the play, the seahawks shot themselves in the foot. play well whether the game is going your way or not. terrible play calls and ball/clock control killed seattle. 2 missed field goals! steelers got some breaks, but to say that they won simply because of the refs isnt accurate. the steelers may not have 'won' the game, but the seahawks (in my view) seemed to try pretty hard to lose it. i certainly wont gloat about the win, but seahawk fans should try and look at the whole game, especially that crappy halftime show.


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