Thursday, September 22, 2005

Movie Review: Freddy Vs. Jason R--0 Strings

oh man, this movie sucked. i wasnt sure if i was supposed to be scared or laugh. i dont know if it was the girl from destinys child being in the movie, or the fact that the original of BOTH of these movies are so much better than this hack job. i love scary movies, my brother can attest to that, but this was so clearly studpid and thrown together. rent the original rather than see this crap. better yet, contribute the money spent in the making of this movie, and give it to some homeless people. at least THEY'D spend the money properly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree, this movie definately sucked! I mean, freddy and jason are Killers! I mean, they are supposed to scare the hell out of you, and i was not scared. The actors and actresses that played the teens, sucked. they were supposed to be AFRAID of the killers, run AWAY, from the killers. They went towards the danger and all of a sudden became brave heroes, come on! One second they are crying and freaked out, the next they are killing Freddy, yah right. I love scary movies, i mean they rock, but lately they have been really bad. It seems like they get worse all the time. I see no point in going to see them anymore (but i have too, lol)
Anyways, yah, i hated this movie. The characters freddy and jason ,rocked. The person who pciked out the characters (whatever they are called) did not do so well. I think that i can produce a better movie, lol (Really)

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so funny... I've never seen any of these movies. Well, I used my one free pass to go see Wedding Crashers (only movie outing since January), and I liked it, but was pissed I didn't see something more worthwhile.
Thanks for the reviews.. Now when I DO get to go to the movies (or rent one) I am not wasting my precious time!

8:09 PM  
Blogger duhliterate said...

you guys are funny. i never got around to 'mans best', so youre probably right, there must be worse.

maybe im becoming an elitist with my attitude about horror flicks. man, i couldnt stand destiny's child in that movie...she's bugly.

i guess i like horror movies, and i just want people to treat them seriously, and not like such a joke. for as marginal as the ring/ring 2 was, at least the director/writer took the movie seriously.

c dub--

i will guide you through the morass of moviedom. fear thee not.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was younger, I was soooooooo into horror movies. The one that freaked me out more than any was "Fright Night". I slept with a baseball bat for about a month- Duh, I didn't need an Easton bat- I needed a wooden stake, a garlic necklace, some holy water and a crucifix!! But I was in 6th grade, so I have an excuse. Revisited my fear as a college student and watched it again. It was quite comical. Oh, the mind of a 12 year old! (Or maybe I was so scared because the main vampire happened to look like my older brother??!)

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, it sucked. It was really predictible and I haven't seen any of the other Freddy or Jason movies, so that says a lot.

4:56 PM  

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