Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Movie Review: Thirteen R--2 Strings

there was nothing about these girls that was 13. let me also say this: 13 year old girls are never this aggressive...even with bad parents. note to hollywood: im getting a little tired of movies about disaffected caucasian teen angst. i lived through all of john hughes' movies...i know teen angst. nothing about this movie is very believable. sorry kids...stay in school.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I saw this movie and I thought that it totally went against what teenage hood is about. Yes, it's difficult and yes we experiance a lot of pressure, but not in the 8th grade! i mean stuff like this would normally happen when you are fifteen or sixteen. when you are thirteen you are worried about stuff like t.v curfews. when you are fifteen, you are worried about parties and dating. Being a teenager is troubling, yes, but it is not a total brakedown. I mean, thirteen year olds dont get all crazy and stuff, at least not the thirteen year olds i know! lol. Yeah, an adult definately wrote this, all adults think that kids these days are out of control. They actually lose sight of the good that we have done...

7:15 PM  
Blogger duhliterate said...


of all the things i was at 13, crazy wasnt one of them. i mustve lived a sheltered life. i did have my first kiss at 13...was that a trainwreck or what?

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it wasn't written by an adult. look it up.

"Yeah, an adult definately wrote this, all adults think that kids these days are out of control. They actually lose sight of the good that we have done..."

Yeah, i agree that adults are going to be out of touch with todays youth, but it goes both ways. some will think they're out of control while others will have no idea what the hell is going on out there.

i mean seriously, to the reviewer... where/when did you grow up? things were very different back in the 60's and 70's in farmboy frenso or wherever compared to growing up in LA today

your little girl is going to be able to get away with murder hahaha

11:23 AM  
Blogger duhliterate said...

brandon, youre so funny!

4:03 PM  

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