Friday, October 07, 2005

Mandy Moore Is Only Adicted To Herself

mandy more correctly uses the word 'apprised', and reaffirms her ability to condescend the rest of reports:

"Earlier this week, I was apprised of a wonderful piece of gossip that I was in rehab... nice!" Moore wrote. "As I sit here at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Los Angeles drinking my English Breakfast Latte, (quite a distance from a supposed Connecticut rehab center I have apparently checked myself into), I am so saddened that people stretch as far as they do in attempting to spread gossip that, at the end of the day, is just downright hurtful."

im not even capable of describing what a latte is...much less afford one. i really appreciate her use of the word 'downright', as well. she seems much more folksy to me than id ever thought. i really regret burning that cd i had of hers. she's a me!


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